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Book List

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School Library Media Activities Monthly, "Activities Almanac" in each issue listing of
numerous events and people around the world to research and learn

All in a Day. Anno, Mitsumasa. Philomel Books, New York.1986

The Pinata Maker. Ancona, George. Harcourt, New York. 1994

Jacks Around theWorld. Lankford, Mary. Morrow Junior Books, New York. 1983

Sidewalk Games Around theWorld. Erlbach, Arlene. Millbrook Press, Brookfield,
Connecticut. 1997

Folk Dancing. Anderson, Lydia. Franklin Watts, New York. 1981

Easy Origami. Nakano, Dokuohtei. Puffin, New York 1985

Games People Play! Mexico. Stein, R. Conrad. Childrens Press, Chicago. 1995

The Art of India. Glubok, Shirley. Macmillan, 1969

Seven Blind Mice. Young, Ed. Philomel Books, New York. 1992

If the World Were A Village. Smith, David J. Kids Can Press

The Elephant Hospital. Darling, Kathy

Rats: The good, the bad, the ugly! Conniff, Richard

Water Hole Waiting. Kurtz, Jane. Greenwillow Books, 2002

Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. Aardema, Verna. 1981

Africa Calling. Adlerman, Dan. 1996

Abiyoyo : based on a South African Lullaby and folk story. Seeger, Pete. 1963

Mexico ABCs a book about People and Places. Heiman, Sarah (SERIES)

Welcome to my Country: Finland. Yip Dora (SERIES)

Colors of India. Littlefield, Holly (SERIES)

The Orphan Boy, a Massai story. Mollel, Tololwa M. Clarion 1990

Tet, Vietnamese New Year. MacMillan, Diane. Enslow Publishers, c1994

Countries of the world – Welcome to Russia. Collins, Paul. (SERIES)

A Child’s Day in a Peruvian City. Holmes, Tim, and Morgan, Tom (SERIES)

Korea –A True Book. Petersen. Childrens Press. 2001 (SERIES)

Count your way through Japan. Haskins, James. Carolrhoda 1987


Cooking the African Way. Revsbech,,Vicki. Lerner Publications. 1988

Folk tales

- also, Cinderella tales from around the world