Welcome to Valley!
Mustang Valley Creed
I am proud to be a special and unique student at Mustang Valley Elementary.
I will take great pride in my school and myself.
I choose to be responsible for my learning, my actions, and my behavior.
I will do what is right.
I seize every opportunity to learn.
I will do my best to do my part.
I respect and celebrate the differences in others.
I will determine my future.
I will be respectful. I will be responsible. I will build relationships!!!
We Are Valley!
Mustang Valley News
Who says school is all work and no fun? Valley students took time to enjoy a fabulous winter wonderland during the school day.
Congratulations to Ms. Harris, Valley's 24-25 site teacher of the year. Ms. Harris teaches pre-k and is an amazing educator and co-worker. We love Ms. Harris!
Mrs. Patton's PreK class made holiday cards that will be put in goodie bags for the homeless. Making a difference....it's what we do.
Did you know that Valley has their very fairy and Kindness Rocks garden?
Our garden is located at the front of our school to the left of the office.
The garden has 3 simple purposes:
Take one if it means something to you
Share one with a friend in need of a little inspiration
Add one to the pile and join us in spreading kindness
There is a bucket by the sign that has extra rocks if you or your children wish to create at home and add to our garden. Simply grab 1 or a few, decorate with a positive message, and place in our garden.
MHS Aeronautics visited Valley to work with 4th grade students in constructing rockets to test out force and pull.
Did you know that Mustang Valley has a garden? Students work daily to tend to our garden that includes veggies and flowers.
Mustang Valley had the most participants in the annual Western Days run out of all the elementary schools. Our PE teacher, Mrs. Ralph was there to receive this amazing trophy. Way to go Valley!
Meet Valley's therapy dog, Millie. Millie will be at Valley one day a week.
Therapy dogs in school help provide the following:
Social Emotional Needs - relationships, comfort, confidence, frustration, relieve anxiety, increase positive mood, improved socialization skills, decrease blood pressure.
Cognitive processing and Reading skills Academic Needs - cognitive processing, reading skills, memory, problem-solving, executive functioning, refocusing.
Mustang Public Schools is implementing a new Personal Technology Device (PTD) policy, which aims to minimize distractions and maximize the educational experience for all students.
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